Eagles Over America



(By Brad Gudgeon, Pam Gudgeon, Bruce Bellott 

September 2010)


We are in a war for the very soul of America, and yes, even the whole earth.


Time for the Bride of Christ to rise up and fight the good fight of faith!


We Are a "Christian Patriot Organization"

We Are About "Unity in the Community"

We Are the "Watchers on the Wall"

We Are "Taking Back America for God"


SHALOM = The Peace of God Which Passes All Understanding

"Have Peace in the Midst of the Battle!"

"With God's Providence, We Will Win!"



"Eagles Over America" Free Newsletter



Food Shortages and a Grain Blight are Coming!

Civil War and Social Upheavals Are Coming

Another Even Worse Pandemic is Being Planned ~2026?

World War 3 is Coming ~ 2026-27!

A Major Stock Market Top and Crash is on the Horizon This Summer (2024)!

(See John Paul Jackson Prophecies)


"The kingdom of darkness is at the gate. They are destroying our food supplies, our economy, our health & even our precious children. Evil forces are dividing the Church and destroying our American way of life. The time to stand against evil is now!"


"In a vision I received from Jesus in late February 2022 about three diamond studded gold crosses: I was given a 4-point plan  to help the cause of taking the "true" American Spirit back from the Unholy Beast System." Brad Gudgeon, Founding Member: "Eagles Over America"


"In April 1974, I received a vision from Jesus where my green bedspread turned blood red. I was told that when I become an older man, I would be helping His people during a time involving bankers and wars. I had no idea at that time what He was He talking about or what plan He had for my life, but that time is here now. We have arrived at the rising of the 4th Reich, the Mark of the Beast!" Brad Gudgeon, Founding Member: "Eagles Over America"


#1)"Operation: Feed the People" - Jesus wants us to plant "victory" food gardens with reproduceable, heirloom seeds all across this land. If we can't feed nourishing food to the masses during times of want, how can we expect to feed them spiritual food when they will need it the most?" In 2017, I was given keys to a product I call HarvestGold by a dying man. Read the link below.

                             Information Link


#2) "Music/Song Outreach" - Jesus wants us to reach the masses (including and especially the children) with new, multicultural Bible based songs that teach the Word of God. Our children are now the hope of the future, our precious inheritance. Therefore, let us set forth the highest standard to guard their hearts and minds as a legacy through our loving knowledge and connection to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. We are also working on an epic ballad called, "Whispers in the Wind" about how much many patriots have suffered and silinced in this fight against the globalists. Although originally written with Brad Gudgeon's personal perspective, the key figure today is Donald J. Trump. 

Original Christian Home Demos LINK    Original Patriot Songs LINK


#3) "Coming Out of Babylon" - An ongoing Christian Patriot Media Video series teaching about how the masses of the world (and the Church) have been socially engineered by nefarious forces for decades and even centuries. The time is now to go back to the pristine essence of the first century Church and lay down the many unnecessary & flawed dogmas that have only served to divide us. Project in process...


 - "A House Divided Cannot Stand" - We must engage the culture and centers of influence around us, just as Jesus commanded and Paul set out to accomplish some 2,000 years ago. Sadly, the early Church was wracked with division. It eventually became institutionalized as the kingdom of darkness slowly and stealthily crept in under the cover of night. This is why the true worshipers of God came to this land a few hundred years ago, to worship as their conscience dictated; not to be controlled by slaves of darkness, but by His Spirit alone, as we allowed. Let us not forget their plight, as their plight has now become our plight.


#4)"Project: Velocity" Starting June 2024: Project Velocity is where it all comes together. In 2020 I had noted that I could have bought a put option contract that would have made 300 times my money in just the initial "a" or first wave down alone (markets move down "a" up "b" then down "c"). The coming crash July-August 2024 looks far worse! I knew I had to wait about another 4 year cycle for the next opportunity. We are about 7 weeks away from this event (as of June 1, 2024).




I invite every "Eagles Over America" subscriber to join with me in this movement. God gave me this ingenious plan back in February 2022 and now is the time to act. Contact Brad @ 615-431-9504 for more information on Project Velocity and why it is important that we facilitate this vision with as many Christian Patriots as possible!


The 19 Page PDF "Project Velocity" needed to be updated and has been as of June 4, 2024. If you have not received the updated version, please contact Brad at eoa@christianpatriotmedia.com with your name and e-mail.


"...Jesus answered and said to them, 'You hypocrites, when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red. You can discern the signs in the sky, but how is it that you cannot discern the signs of the times?'" Matthew 16:2-3 (paraphrase)



In Association with Christian Patriot Media & Blustar Market Insights


242 W. Main St. #333

Hendersonville, TN 37075

(615) 431-9504


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