Taking Back America For God!

Eagles Over America


"Operation: Feed the People"

Starting in Hendersonville, TN

September 2024



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"Eagles Over America



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Food Shortages and a Grain Blight are Coming!

Civil War and Social Upheavals Are Coming!

 Even a Worse Pandemic is Being Planned!

World War 3 is Coming: Our Best Guess ~ late 2026 - early 2027!


"A Major Stock Market Top is Due Mid/Late October 2024 

and Crash is on the Horizon into November 2024"

See Chart of What is Likely Coming into November 2024 Alone 

and How You Can Actually Profit from the Crash!


John Paul Jackson Prophesied Over 10 Years Ago 

That a Movement to Plant Food Gardens Would Come to the USA!


 He Also Prophesied a Pandemic for 2020... The Start of What He Called "The Perfect Storm"

8 Years Before it Occurred, Saying Another Worse Pandemic Would Be Coming! 

(other prophecies have already come to pass!)


He Also Prophesied that non-GMO/Heirloom Seeds Would Skyrocket in Value; The Average Family Would Spend up to 40% of Their Budget on Food Alone; Food Trucks Would Be Held Up and Robbed; In Some Cities, They Would Tear Up Streets Just to Plant Food Gardens; A Blight (fungus infection) on GMO Grains and Tomatoes is Coming!


See John Paul Jackson "Headline Prophecies of 2008-12"!


See Kim Clement's Prophecies of Trump's First and Second Terms in Office as President

Along with the Prophecy of Robert Kennedy Joining Him in 2024!


#1)"Operation: Feed the People" - We need to plant "Victory" food gardens with reproduceable, heirloom seeds all across this land. If we can't feed nourishing food to the masses during times of want, how can we expect to feed them spiritual food when they will need it the most?" 

In 2017, I was given the keys to a product we call HarvestGold (a superior, plant-based cell activation catalyst) by a dying old man in Canada. We have the means to produce HarvestGold right there in America.

Read all about HarvestGold @ LINK and how you can start out with as little as $25 worth of HarvestGold (enough to spray 1.5 acres)& why it is so important for our movement.         


See pics of our great success with HarvestGold last year     


We are starting this movement in September 2024, in Hendersonville, TN. God gave me this plan back in late February 2022 through a vision and now is the time to act!


Contact Brad @ 615-431-9504 for more information on Operation: Feed the People and why it is important that we facilitate this vision with as many Christian Patriots as quickly as possible! 


Found out how you can become a Community/Club Leader with very little investment marketing our saving grace; HarvestGold! The more people that you bring together, the more diversity of food you can share! Call Brad at 615-431-9204 to see how you can make a difference in your neck of the woods!


Project:Velocity is a way for all entrepreneurs(small, medium and large)to buy at the wholesale level and help us get ahead of what's coming (food shortages, famine, blight etc.).





Latest "Greg Reese Reports"

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: 400 Children Per Day Trafficked into USA 

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Will They Try to Steal the Election Again?

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Anglo-American/Israel State Sponsored Terrorism

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: The Lone Assassin & Mk Ultra Mind Control

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Major Escalation Toward World War III

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Nanobots in COVID-19 VAX?

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Venezuelan Gangs Sent to US By Design

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Jeremy Brown Takes on the FEDS in DC Court

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Migrant Gangs Taking Over Our Cities

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Desperate Elites & Operation: Lock Step

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Russia: Safe Haven for Traditional Values?

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: 70,000 Terrorists Have US Passports

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: WHO Declares International Emergency

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Rockefeller/CIA: Connections to Depopulation 

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Evangelical Zionists Pushing Armageddon

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Bohemian Grove: Summer Camp For Satanic Elite 

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Venezuela Elections Trigger Civil Unrest

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: NATO: Pushing For War With Russia

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: Expose: The Planning of the Lethal mRNA Shots

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: The Zionist/NAZI Connection to Israel 

Reese Report 5 Minute Video: UN Troops Being Brought In As Refugees



"...Jesus answered and said to them, 'You hypocrites, when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red. You can discern the signs in the sky, but how is it that you cannot discern the signs of the times?'" Matthew 16:2-3 (paraphrase)



In Association with Christian Patriot Media & Blustar Market Insights


242 W. Main St. #333

Hendersonville, TN 37075

(615) 431-9504


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